Consultation Meeting On Township Selection For CDD Project In Mandalay Division


Consultation meeting on one Township selection for second year CDD Project in Mandalay Division was held at the Theater in Mandalay on 24 Oct 2014. The project was implemented by the Department of Rural Development under the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development and funded by the World Bank.

U Ye Myint (Chief Minister of Mandalay Division), U Tin Ngwe (Deputy Minister for Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development), representatives from the World Bank and responsible officers from Department of Rural Development, responsible officers from relevant government departments of Yangon Division, responsible officers from Non-Government Organizations, Partner Organization for rural development, media and other invitees were in attendances. (Over 400 total attendances to the meeting)

At the meeting, U Ye Myint (Chief Minister of Mandalay Division) gave a welcome speech; U Hla Khaing (Deputy Director for the Department of Rural Development) explained an overview of the project and criteria set for township selection. After that, attendees raised the queries and shared information.

Attendees were divided into small groups for discussion and selecting townships and each representative explained the reasons and submitted the scores after calculating. After that, U Tin Ngwe (Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development, Mandalay Division) gave a conclusion speech and the meeting ended.

According to the selection by the attendees, the townships which are eligible to benefit from projects from high priority to low priority are Ngan Zun Town, Nyaung U Town, Pyaw Bwe Town, Yamethin Town and fifth priority townships are Nwar Htoe Gyi and Tharzi Town. Remarks from the Chief Minister of Mandalay Division for the selected townships were noted down and they will be submitted to Foreign Aid Assistance Management Central Committee. After the committee has approved, it will be submitted to the World Bank. Once every step has been processed, it will continue to implement Myanmar National Community Driven Development project.

The objective of this project is to enable poor rural communities to benefit from improved access to and use of basic infrastructure and services through a people-centered approach. Project will be implemented in each 7 States and 7 Divisions plus Nay Pyi Taw Council Region where Government Offices are located. The project is being implemented in Kanpatlatt Township, Chin State, Namsan Township, Northern Shan State and Kyun Su Township, Tanintharyi Division since 2013.

Pin Lal Bu Township in Sagaing Division, Saytotetayar Township in Magway Division, Lay Myat Nar Township in Aye Yar Waddy Division, Ann Township in Rakhine State, Tat Kone Township in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area and Htan Tapin Township in Yangon Division are selected as townships to benefit from Year 2 project in 2014 and it is planning to select one township from Mandalay Division, Kachin State, Bago Division, Mon State, Kayah State and Kayin State to be implemented the project.