Invitation to the Second Annual Union Level Multi-Stakeholder Review


Invitation to the Second Annual Union Level Multi-Stakeholder Review

25 – 26 August 2015 | Nay Pyi Taw

Myanmar International Convention Center II



Dear Colleagues,


The Department of Rural Development is pleased to invite you to participate in the second annual union level Multi-Stakeholder Review (MSR) of the National Community Driven Development Project (NCDDP) in Nay Pyi Taw on 25 and 26 August 2015. The union level MSR will be held at the Myanmar International Convention Center II, MICC2, NayPyi Taw. The objective of the MSR is to provide an open forum for all stakeholders to review experiences from the second project cycle and identify areas for improvement.This event will bring together over 800 participants, including community representatives, township and union level project staff, civil society groups, government officials, and development partners. A draft agenda is attached for your reference.

Implemented by the Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development, the NCDDP aims to enable poor rural communities to benefit from improved access to and use of basic infrastructure and services through a people-cen7:5_GּYvernment’s capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. At the MSR, the Department of Rural Development will provide an update on using the NCDDP to provide financial assistance to communities affected by the recent severe floods.

Since its inception in 2013, the NCDDP has financed over 1,800 sub-projects worth11.8 billion MMK in two community cycles, benefiting some 850,000 people in nine rural townships. At the MSR, the Department of Rural Development will present plans for the NCDDP’s expansion, including through a recent additional IDA credit of US$400 million from the World Bank,a €20 million concessional loan from the Italian Government, and a US$11.5 million grant from the Government of Japan.  Together with additional resources from the Government of Myanmar, this financing will enable the project to ultimately reach seven million people across 63 townships, beginning with the addition of 18 new townships in the third project cycle later this year.

We hope that you will be able to join us for this important event and contribute to the future success of the project.Kindly confirm your participation to Ms. Lei Yin Wincdd.drdmyanmar@gmail.comby 20 August 2015.You can also contact her for general inquiries about the MSR.

We look forward to your participation and a successful event.




Kyaw Soe

Deputy Director General, Department of Rural Development

Project Director, National Community Driven Development Project