CDD Project Socialization Workshop in Nganzon Township, Mandalay Region


CDD Project Socialization Workshop in Nganzon Township, Mandalay Region


CDD Project Socialization Workshop was held at Moe Theingi Hall, Nganzon Township, Mandalay Region at 9 am on 30 June, 2014. The project was implemented by the Department of Rural Development under the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development and funded by the World Bank.

Deputy Director General U Kyaw Soe, Director U Hla Khaing (DRD-Head Office), Assistant Director U Win Min Htun (DRD-Head Office), world bank representative Daw Theingi Min, Region,District and Township DRD officials, other government officers, District Administrative Officer, Township Administrative Officer, Village Administrative Officer and village headman, responsible officers from Non-Government Organizations, political parties, media, committee members to support development and other invitees were in attendances. (Over 350 total attendances to the meeting).


At the workshop, Deputy Director General U Kyaw Soe introduced the procedures for implementing the projects, annual project assessment and consultation activity in which various organizations get involved.


Then, After that, Daw Theingi Min (Representative from the World Bank) said that he is very proud on behalf of the World Bank to support Myanmar National Community Driven Development Project which will be implemented by the community itself. He also expected that project implementing process would be conducted systematically by participating in consultation CDD project socialization workshop.


At the second session of the meeting, U Hla Khaing ( Director for the Department of Rural Development) explained the project implementation process in details and U Win Min Htun (Assistant Director) explained about project cycle and the contents of the project handbook. At the same time, the attendees asked the questions and responsible officers from the Department of Rural Development answered all the questions. Then, U Hla Khaing ( Director for the Department of Rural Development) and U Win Min Htun altogether gave a thank you speech and the meeting ended.