Invitation Letter for Township Multi-Stakeholders Review Meeting


Dear Colleagues,


The National Community Driven Development Project (NCDDP) is a project implemented by the Government of Myanmar through the Department of Rural Development. It was launched in January 2013 with an $80 million grant from World Bank to enable poor rural communities in Myanmar to benefit from improved access to and use of basic infrastructure and services through a people-centered approach.


In the nine townships where the NCDDP is currently being implemented, township level Multi Stakeholders Review meetings (township level MSR) will be conducted as an annual event at the end of each community project cycle.


The purpose of the meeting is to review the implementation process and progress of the current cycle, to draw lessons for improving the project in the next project cycle, and to have an opportunity to communicate with independence organizations for the community development. Reviews resulting from township level MSR would subsequently be submitted to the union level MSR.


With the purpose to review experiences from this project cycle, the Department of Rural Development would like to invite you to this township level Multi-Stakeholder Review with expected participation of government officials, social organizations, community driven development organizations, ethnic representatives, regional development organizations, community representatives and other interested parties.


We hope that you will be able to join us for this important event to contribute to the future success of this program. Kindly confirm your participation by email at least 3 days ahead of the meeting.


Please find attached meeting plan, project operation manual (brief) and agenda of the meeting.


We look forward meeting you.


Sincerely yours,


Kyaw Soe

Project Director

Community Driven Development Project